Why marketing thinking?
- Marketing Thinking means having the clients and their needs in your mind all the time
- It is a way of defining a proper target market, and preparing a marketing strategy
- Marketing thinking emphasizes the "WHY" of your business
- Communicating the "WHY" will become an essential part of your marketing plans
- Your marketing strategy has to explain what you do, why you do it, and why your target market should care
- Marketing thinking helps you love what you do, find good clients, and be effective

Do you ask "How to find clients for my products?"
Many companies and freelancers end up trying to find an answer for this question. It seems completely natural. But, let us be completely honest with you:
"You are already on a wrong path!" Why?
Because, if your product comes from the market demand, you know exactly who your clients are,
and you have an idea how to reach them. If you ask "how to sell my products/services", that is a clear sign of
the product being created at the table. You might have great ideas, excellent features for your software,
best design, outstanding quality, low price, but if there is no market for what you have,
it is all worthless (business wise).

Marketing strategy - Push vs. Pull
Creative people can sit at a table and come up with dozens of great ideas for products, services, features or designs. This might be cool from the technology point of view, but it lacks the business aspect. Big companies can afford the push marketing strategy. They create a product, then they invest millions into advertizing and they simply create the market for it. Even this strategy can fail, if the strategy does not create a market big enough. However, big corporations can usually afford that.If you are a freelancer or a medium-sized company, the push strategy is always way too expensive for you. You simply cannot afford risking failure.

Better marketing approach ? The pull strategy!
The pull marketing strategy means, you fill the market's demand. People or companies have an issue they want to solve. You communicate, ask for details, discuss, and only after that you create a product or a service. You already know what your target audience is, and how to reach the potential clients. You build a network, spread your knowledge and experience. Over time, you build a personal brand.The pull marketing strategy is significantly more effective and less expensive than the push strategy. You can start doing business literally from the ground. Building reputation, demonstrating knowledge and building relationships take time. Reserve at least one year for it. However, it is worth doing it!
Reputation first, advertising next
Advertising, social media, TV ads and other modern marketing techniques are very expensive and they don't last. Once you turn your ads off, you might be forgotten quickly. Reputation is what matters! Yes, adverizing will speed it up for you, but it can never replace marketing thinking.
How do we boost your marketing?
Based on our experience, we know that for vast majority of business people it is very difficult to see their clients' needs as the starting point. All of us tend to see our own product or service as the most important thing. Plus, we tend to exaggerate its value and importance.When we consult with you, we keep turning your attention back to the client. Most importantly, we question the core assumptions you have built your business on. You might think you did everything correctly with all the steps being logically correct. While this might be true, if the original assumptions were wrong, then the conclution is also wrong even though the decision process tree seems to be clearly correct.

What to expect from the coopearion with us?
- Eye-opening questions about your core values and assumptions you have built your business on.
- Inspiration, brainstorming, new ideas.
- Valuable feedback for your products or services.
- Mentoring helping you stay on the track.
- Experience from our other clients, interesting tips for consideration and best practices.
- New marketing and business approach that no one else is speaking about.